Windows menu Contains an entry for each open window allowing the user to alter the active (frontmost) window. Not available because there are no windows open. Windows menu Contains an entry for each open window allowing the user to alter the active (frontmost) window. Adds all items keywords, notes, and previews to the actual files they represent. Not available because no original files need to be updated. Adds all items keywords, notes, and previews to the actual files they represent. Opens the File Information Window, letting you see a variety of information about the items in the Library. Allows you to edit the notes associated with the selected Library item. Not available because nothing is selected. Allows you to edit the notes associated with the selected Library item. Allows you to edit the keywords associated with the selected Library item or items. Not available because nothing is selected. Allows you to edit the keywords associated with the selected Library item or items. Library menu Used to edit Library items keywords and notes, update the items original file, and get information about the items file. Quits CorelMOSAIC!. If you have not saved changes you made to open documents, you will be asked whether you want to save changes. Quits CorelMOSAIC!. If you have not saved changes you made to open documents, you will be asked whether you want to save changes. Prints the thumbnails of items in the CorelMOSAIC! Library. Not available right now because there are no active Libraries, or there is no selected printer. Prints the thumbnails of items in the CorelMOSAIC! Library. Prints the thumbnails of all items in the CorelMOSAIC! Library. Not available right now because there are no active Libraries. Prints the thumbnails of all items in the CorelMOSAIC! Library. Prints the selected Library item. Not available right now because no items are selected Prints the selected Library item. Displays a dialog box in which you select paper size, orientation, and other printing options. Saves the selected items in the Library to new files with your specified format. Not available right now because no items are selected Saves the selected items in the Library to new files with your specified format. Adds new items to the active CorelMOSAIC! Library. Not available right now because no Library is active. Adds new items to the active CorelMOSAIC! Library. Saves a copy of the active CorelMOSAIC! Library in a new file with the name and location you specify. Not available because no Library is active. Saves a copy of the active CorelMOSAIC! Library in a new file with the name and location you specify. Saves the active CorelMOSAIC! Library with the new name and location you specify. Not available because no Library is active. Saves the active CorelMOSAIC! Library with the new name and location you specify. Saves the active CorelMOSAIC! Library. Not available because no Library is open, or because no changes have been made. Saves the active CorelMOSAIC! Library. If you have not saved the Library before, you must give it a name and indicate where to save it. Closes the active (topmost) CorelMOSAIC! Library. Not available right now because there is no active Library. Closes the active (topmost) CorelMOSAIC! Library. Open an existing CorelMOSAIC! Library. Not available right now for no clearly apparant reason. Open an existing CorelMOSAIC! Library. Creates a new CorelMOSAIC! Library called “Untitled.” Not available right now. Creates a new CorelMOSAIC! Library called “Untitled.” File menu Use this menu to open, close, add files to, save, and print CorelMOSAIC! Libraries, as well as to quit CorelMOSAIC! Selects Library items whose keywords match those you specify. Not available because the open Library is empty. Selects Library items whose keywords match those you specify. Selects the entire contents of the active Library. Not available because no Libraries are open or because the active Library is empty. Selects the entire contents of the active Library. Displays the contents of the Clipboard (a storage area for the last item cut or copied). Removes the selected text or Library item without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available because nothing is selected. Removes the selected text or Library item without storing it on the Clipboard. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point or in the active Library. Not available because there is nothing on the Clipboard or because the contents of the Clipboard are of a type CorelMOSAIC! can’t read. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point or in the active Library. Copies the selected text or Library item. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Not available because nothing is selected. Copies the selected text or Library item. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Removes the selected text or Library item and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Not available because nothing is selected. Removes the selected text or Library item and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Undoes your last action if it involved cutting, clearing, pasting, or typing. Not available because your last action cannot be undone. Undoes your last action if it involved cutting, clearing, pasting, or typing. Edit menu Use this menu to undo your last action, to manipulate text or graphics, to select items in a Library, and to show what’s on the Clipboard. Opens the Preferences Window, allowing you to change defaults for CorelMOSAIC!. Displays information about the version of CorelMOSAIC! and the authors.